I am trying to create a connection to tableau with my smartsheet to pull data into tableau , I am able to do this in windows os using the smartsheet live data connector, but i am not able to find an equivalent for that on MAC os , is there anyway i can make it work on Mac, any pointer /links would be highly beneficial
Thanks for your response, I did manage to use the WDC to connect, however I am still facing issue while trying to publish the sheet as a data source in the tableau server , I have written the issue in detail here -in-adding-smartsheet-as-data-source-in-tableau-server#latest
Tableau For Mac
Some organizations install tableau server on different location as well. We can provide the location different than the system drive by browsing install location which will automatically add \Tableau Server to it and will install the files under it.
The product key is used to activate both server and setting license type which can be user-based or core-based. It requires an active internet connection but there is an alternative way to activate tableau offline as well. You can read Activate Tableau Offline
Step 9: The next step is configuring the basic settings on the Tableau server after activation and successful registration of product key. We can set how we want to authenticate users either local or active directory, setting under which account tableau server should run, setting default port and whether we want to include sample workbook or not.
Tableau repository is used to store all the files related to tableau desktop. It includes various folders such as Bookmarks, Connectors, Datasources, Extensions, Logs, Mapsources, Services, Shapes, TabOnlineSyncClient and Workbooks. My Tableau repository is usually located in the file path C:\Users\User\Documents\My Tableau Repository.
Is there an additional configuration that I might need to do in order to visualice the data with tableau?My JDBC is under Tableau Drivers and I have installed the ODBC package from the websiteimage1558498 67 KB
If you have SSL enabled on Dremio, and you want to export a .tds file to use in a Tableau application for quickly connecting to a dataset,you can do so by add the support key export.tableau.extra-native-connection-properties and set the value to SSL=true.This property allows you to set the JDBC connection string when exporting a .tds file. The default is an empty string. This is the only property currently supported for export.tableau.extra-native-connection-properties, and true is the only supported value.
"1. Fai clic sul pulsante "Scarica" in alto nella pagina per scaricare il file del connettore.\n2. Sposta il file del connettore (.taco) nella directory /Connectors, che per impostazione predefinita si trova nei seguenti percorsi:\n\n Prodotto/Piattaforma Percorso \n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Tableau Desktop (Windows) C:\Utenti\[utente]\Documenti\Repository personale di Tableau\Connettori \n Tableau Desktop (Mac) /Utenti/[utente]/Documenti/Repository personale di Tableau/Connettori \n Tableau Prep (Windows) C:\Utenti\[utente]\Documenti\Repository personale di Tableau Prep\Connettori \n Tableau Prep (Mac) /Utenti/[utente]/Documenti/Repository personale di Tableau Prep/Connettori \n Web authoring di flussi in Tableau Server /data/tabsvc/flowqueryservice/Connectors \n Tableau Prep Conductor in Tableau Server /data/tabsvc/flowprocessor/Connectors \n Tableau Server C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\vizqlserver\Connectors \n\n3. Scarica il driver JDBC Firebolt facendo clic qui.\n4. Sposta il driver (.jar) nella directory /Drivers, che per impostazione predefinita si trova nei seguenti percorsi:\n\n Piattaforma Percorso\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Windows C:\Programmi\Tableau\Drivers \n Mac /Library/JDBC o /Library/JDBC \n Linux /opt/tableau/tableau_driver/jdbc \n \n5. Riavvia Tableau (per i prodotti desktop) e riavvia il server (per Tableau Server).\n\nFirebolt verrà ora visualizzato nell'elenco dei connettori in Tableau sotto Connetti. Per maggiori informazioni sulla configurazione di connessioni Firebolt, vedi la documentazione di Firebolt." 2ff7e9595c